Yesterday we opened the final Christmas gift in our advent calendar. We want to send a huge thank you to every one who as participated in our advent calendar! Below you’ll find a list of all the winners. Even if you didn’t win we want to give you something extra – with the coupon code rfao_advent_calendar2020 you’ll get 20 % off on our online courses without feedback until January 31st. And our book, Retrieving for All Occasions, is on sale at a 50 % discount until January 31st, so if you don’t have a copy or want to give one to a friend – this is your best chance!
Retrieving for All Occasions$39.99Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
20 % off on our online courses without feedback until January 31st – with the coupon code rfao_advent_calendar2020
50 % discount on the book Retrieving for All Occasions until January 31st
Winner day 23 – online puppy course “Hello, who is this then? – without personal feedback
The winner from day 23 is Emma John who wrote “I would love to win this course to gift to someone who has just bought home a gorgeous cocker puppy, after losing both of her older dogs in this already pretty horrendous year 🐾”. Send us an e-mail at and we’ll give you access to the course!
WInner day 24 – Any online course (without feedback), book or private training session
The winner from day 24 is Katrine Busch who wrote “Wow what an amazing price. Spero and I would absolutely love to win merry Christmas and a happy new year to both of you and your family’s and thanks for making December much more fun“. Send us an e-mail at and we’ll give you access to the course of your choice!
Sale Product on salePrivate Session Online – Elsa Blomster$70.00 – $630.00
Sale Product on salePrivate Session Online – Lena Gunnarsson$70.00 – $630.00
Retrieving for All Occasions$39.99Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
Retrieving for All Occasions Study Guide$15.00
Retrieving for All Occasions Study Guide Part II Intermediate$20.00
All winners
If you haven’t contacted us about your gift yet, send us an e-mail at and we’ll make sure you receive it!
2020-12-01 | Online course “Stop Whistle” | Luke Louden |
2020-12-02 | Book Retrieving for All Occasions | Jola |
2020-12-03 | Online course “Foundations for Excellence in Gun Dog Training” | Mandy Dunn |
2020-12-04 | Online course “Hello, who’s this then? | Anu Laasonen |
2020-12-05 | Webinar “Stopping at a Distance” | May |
2020-12-06 | Webinar “Reliable behaviors” | Henriette Hertz-Pedersen |
2020-12-07 | Retrieving for All Occasions Study Guide | Jennifer Pivovar |
2020-12-08 | Online course “Advanced Casting for Gun Dogs” | Sarah Middleton |
2020-12-09 | Private online training session Lena | Melina Grosch |
2020-12-10 | Retrieving for All Occasions Study guide part II Intermediate | Jay Holweger |
2020-12-11 | Online course “Heelwork for gun dogs” | Dirk Meurer |
2020-12-12 | Online course “Stop whistle” | Meg Hein |
2020-12-13 | Webinar “Heelwork” | Donna Clark |
2020-12-14 | Online course “Holding an Area” | Susan Nepomuceno |
2020-12-15 | Ebook “Retrieving for All Occasions” | Carey Haas |
2020-12-16 | Online course “Foundations for Excellence in Gun Dog Training” | Grace Vagary |
2020-12-17 | Online course “Five Simple Steps to Master the Perfect Retrieve” | Jessica Bell |
2020-12-18 | Ebook “Retrieving for All Occasions – Study Guide” | Lesley Howard |
2020-12-19 | Book “Retrieving for All Occasions” | Samantha Haeussner |
2020-12-20 | Webinar “Stopping at a Distance” | John Jones |
2020-12-21 | Ebook “Retrieving for All Occasions – Study Guide Part II Intermediate2 | Petra |
2020-12-22 | Private online training session Elsa | lianne van der linde |
2020-12-23 | Online course “Hello, who’s this then?” | Emma John |
2020-12-24 | Any book, online course or private session | Katrine Busch |