Study circle gun dog training
We found out that Jessica hade participated in a training group based on the Retrieving for All Occasions Study guide and of course wanted to
We found out that Jessica hade participated in a training group based on the Retrieving for All Occasions Study guide and of course wanted to
Haven’t got the book Retrieving for All Occasions yet? Or are you looking for a great Christmas gift for a friend? Hurry up to buy
You wished and we answered – since a couple of weeks Retrieving for All Occasions is available for Kindle! Buy your copy at Amazon –
When we had made some progress in writing the book (Retrieving for All Occasions), we played around with creating a summary under the caption ”The
2017 will be the year we remember as the year that we traveled the world thanks to our book “Retrieving for All Occasions”. Since it’s
Hard gifts in the Christmas stocking is always appreciated! Why not buy Retrieving for All Occasions for a dog friend this Christmas? (If you want
A while ago we were interviewed by American dog trainer Hannah Brannigan on her great podcast, Drinking from the toilet, and now the episode has
Dogzine has written a great review of the book! Together with the book this forms a solid base for both beginning and experienced gundog owners.
A while ago we had a competition where you could win a book for you and a friend, and in the video below we’ll show you
Do you and a friend want to get new inspiration 100+ exercises for your training? Like this post and share it on Facebook, as well