The heelwork challenge that we’ve had the last couple of weeks has been so much fun! We’ve really enjoyed following all of you in your training! During the challenge we’ve recieved quite a few questions – and we believe that you have lots of more questions. Therefore we’re going to do a heelwork webinar on May 1st. It will be pre-recorded, but submit your questions in the comments field on this page or send us an email at no later than April 17th and we’ll answer them during the webinar!
You can sign up for the webinar here and then you’ll get an email when the webinar is released.

If you haven’t followed the challenge, all the blog posts are still available here:
1 thought on “Heelwork webinar”
Hi both,
I have a „highdrive“ Flatcoated Retriever with very lot temperament. If we are working his brakes are squealing. Sometimes he is to much in front of me during heelwork while we are in the field. He is so focused to the things and what happens in the field that he lost the focus and heeling position.
He knows the heeling position very well and can find the position with distraction…but during the work he is very focussed to the marks, helpers,…. In past I added the cue to watch me before I released him but then he lost sometimes the mark.
Within the field trail or walkup he should be quite and his shoulder should be next on my knee.
How to teach a highdrive dog to be focussed to the field and in the sametime to keep the heelposition?
Dog: Flatcoated, 5years old (Facebook: BlackFjell)